How to make money from a discord server

Can make money from a discord server

1: accept donations from people 
If you have a large community or people who like what you do, let them give you back as a donation. Accepting donations from Discord is very easy.

 You can provide them with a link to your PayPal account or create a Patreon account and ask them to send their donations here. Don't worry, you don't have to be an NPO (nonprofit) to accept all kinds of donations. Just make sure that donors know that their donations are tax-free. 

2. Create private locations for Patreon 

sponsors only If you think some of your members would enjoy greater access to your information, you can set up private locations within your Discord server.

 If any member donates a certain amount every week, month, or year, you can give him or her access to this special area where he or she can ask questions and get quick answers from you or any other professional. 

You can also create this opportunity by providing them with the most advanced advice, guidelines, or other important information they will not find elsewhere on your server.  You can continue to give them good information. Any sensible person would understand that he has to pay a fee to get access to something important. 

3. Create a Whole Server for Paid Users 

Only Another great way to earn money from Discord is by making the entire server for paid users only.  All you need to do is set up a new server but only for paid members with additional benefits, features and offers. On the other hand, this is a better option than having free and paid sites on the same server.

 4. Register with Discord Ad Network 

If you know how ads work on websites, you may know its benefits. Similarly, you can also subscribe through the Discord ad network and allow them to play ads on your server. 

Discord Advertiser is the best way you can do it.  There are several ways you can customize this service to work better with your server. 

My Discord account link: Newnaveendhawan#2997 

5. Create a Bot with paid or free features 
The bots are actually an amazing discord that its users offer. You can get the most out of these bots and help your community with them. You can create a custom bot that serves the needs of the people in your community and charge you for the services they provide. In addition, you can also create a freemium bot with both free and paid features. It's a great way to let your members try your bot for free. 

6. Get business support 
If you have a community of popular niche people, several businesses will definitely be interested in finding them. So, instead of dealing with businesses that try to enter your community for free, ask them to pay a fee to gain access. There are many ways you can do this and create a win-win situation for yourself, your community, and the advertiser. You can also provide a small space on your server to promote their products, services and allow them to ask / respond to your community. Additionally, you can also set up bots that automatically advertise your business partners whenever you want. 

7. Charge the Premium to support other Discord servers on your server 
Many Discord servers need to shout, or your members may be interested in joining non-competitors. You can charge them for advertising in your community. Think of other servers you have joined and that could be useful to members of your community. If they are not interested in paying for advertising, another good way is to exchange-advertising. All you have to do is advertise their server on yours while they advertise their server on theirs. This is a great and reliable way to build your community without spending money on advertising. 

8. Launch Paid Competitions 
Create a competition (perhaps a gaming competition?), Charge a small entry fee (say $ 2), and allow the winners to receive a percentage of the entry fee as a prize. There may be hundreds or thousands of people who would like to compete to show off their skills and will not mind paying a small fee. You can also reward the top 3 winners by making participants feel like they have a better shot by winning at least something. If you have trouble coming up with a good idea for the competition, you can ask for recommendations from members of your community. 

9. Affiliate Marketing 
People in your community may be interested in buying more products, so why not give them product links and get a commission from them? However, you need to be specific and open with your community. Tell them the products are assembled, and you will receive a small commission if anyone buys a link. Your loyal members, who are already looking to buy the product, will definitely buy with your link, so you can also get something. Another idea is to create a resource or a specific page on the website that you can link to your Discord server. For example, if you are a gamer, you can write specific game equipment, DVDs, or other items that can help your members. Create an Amazon affiliate account and connect these products to Amazon with its affiliate program.

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